APA Scorekeeping App


We are excited to announce that we are going to begin rolling out the use of the APA Scorekeeper App here in Seminole County! This is the future of scorekeeping for the APA and the expectation is that teams make every effort to utilize this app each and every league night once it becomes available for their division. Like any other piece of technology, there will be glitches but we ask everyone to be patient and embrace the app and the opportunity to begin using it once available. We have several resources available to help make the transition as smooth as possible. Please review the below in detail as well as your online resources to be prepared once the app is made available for your division. 


Next steps: 

1. Download the APA Scorekeeper App from your phone’s app store.

Apple iOS App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apa-scorekeeper/id1480884510

Android Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.poolplayers.scorekeeper&hl=en 

2. If you haven’t already, also download the APA Pool League App (Member Services App) and claim your online account. This will be necessary in order to sign-in to the Scorekeeper App.

Apple iOS App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apa-pool-league/id1225739491

Android Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=league.poolplayers.com&hl=en

a.     If you are unable to claim your account or log into your account, it is because we are missing or have an incorrect email address on file in the system. Email mharper@apaleagues.com with your preferred email account and we will get your info updated. 

3. View the Scorekeeper App Tutorial Videos.

8-Ball: https://youtu.be/2qd2oCe9bOs

9-Ball: https://youtu.be/Ang3rG-_8Rw

             How to Edit a Completed Match: https://youtu.be/SMFvUGJvaOY
             How to Take Over Scoring a Match: https://youtu.be/MfgEzW2l1BQ
             How to Reset a Match: https://youtu.be/lmOal13-dQk             
4. Read Scorekeeper App Q&A. There are several different scenarios and solutions that are discussed  here and is constantly being updated so this link is going to be a huge lifeline when using the app.


It’s a good idea to save/bookmark these links in your phone for easy reference during league night.


So how will this work?:

1. For the first few weeks, once the app is rolled out to your division, the Home team each week will keep score using the Scorekeeper App and the Visiting team will keep score on a blank scoresheet as a backup just in case there are any issues with the app. This scoresheet MUST be turned in with your team fees each week.
2. Team envelopes will continue to be sent out each week to send announcements as well as collect team fees. As of right now, using the Scorekeeper App will not change how teams pay their dues. Business as usual on that front. We will not be turning on the electronic payment option through the Scorekeeper app at this time. A Team Fees log will be included in each team envelope for teams to note players payment amounts and methods each week.
3. DO NOT OPEN THE APP AND START SCORING A MATCH THAT ISN’T BEING PLAYED! DOING SO WILL CAUSE ISSUES FOR THAT MATCH. There is no longer a demo mode for the app so please review the below videos and resources to learn more about the functionality of the app.

Best Practices:

1. Charge your phone before coming to league each week. If you have a portable charger, remember to bring that with you as well. More than one person per team should be prepared to score using the Scorekeeper app!
2. Whenever there are any issues, please use your online resources to trouble shoot and problem solve first.
3. Please take screenshots and make specific notes of any issues that occur during league night. This is very important when we communicate with IT and will be very instrumental in resolving these issues for future use. Please text to 407-448-9155 or email mharper@apaleagues.com.